My favorite movie

Choose a favorite movie is difficult for me, I don't usually have something favorite about something, it usually change over time, but right at this moment I would say that Logan is my favorite movie. The movie tells the story of Logan, also known as Wolverine, a mutant with a adamantium skeleton, adamantium claws and a super-healing factor. In the movie Logan, now aged and with his powers weakened, have the duty of protect his daughter from a mutant-hunter squad and escort her to a mutant-refuge. They have to travel all the way from Mexico to Canada, evading the dangers that the hunters represent and working out their complicate father-daughter relationship. The best moment is toward the end, in the last confrontation between our protagonists and the hunters, specifically on the fight between Logan and a "ghost of his past", I don't want to spoil it but is really emotional. This movie marks the end of Hugh Jackman as the actor who brings to life to Wolverine after 17 years and it really feels like an end to the superhero genre, and even when the end of something you really like could be very sad, I would not change anything in this movie. It's an honorable end to the series


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